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Composting on You-Tube channel

This video can show 3 easy method to compost and help you to understand more :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Materials and Apparatus~

1. First and foremost, we need the composting container to compost our waste such as flower pots and bins. These container help us to know the volume of the production of composting. If you don't have containers, you may compost on the backyard land. In this project, we use flower pots for the composting.

Flower Pots

2. Secondly, the important material that we must have is the soil. Soil is the place where the degradation of waste take place. In selecting the soil, we need to select the soil that contains organic materials which can be found at the first layer of the soil because this layer has a lot population of micro-organism such as worm that helping in composting process.

Soil Layers

Soil Selected

3. Thirdly, the selection of the organic waste. For this project the waste that we choose is vegetables waste which had been collected from the supermarket and veggies stalls. As for recommendation, used the food waste from home for a better results.

Vegetables Waste

4. Lastly, the uses of charcoal
for the composting. The charcoal powder was used to absorb the unfriendly smell when the decomposing take place. Other than that, you can also plant the Pandan Tree, English Ivy, Snake plant and Limau Purut Tree to reduce the smell.

English Ivy Plant

Charcoal Powder

Snake Plant 
Limau Purut Tree

Pandan Tree

Written By  :  Maryam

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